“I think dogs are the most amazing creatures. They give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive.”

-Gilda Radner-

Who We Are

Indy Schnoodles is a family first and foremost! Debi and Cary, along with their daughter, Ashley, and their two granddaughters, Emmy and Jams, are the family members who run Indy Schnoodles. We are an animal loving family who have always had a wide variety of animals on their 10 acres located outside of Indianapolis.

Cary may be the only man in the bunch but the animals melt him into a pile of mush. Debi is one of those people with a strange connection to animals. They get her and she gets them! Ashley definitely takes after her mom! Emmy loves to help out with our marketing and making sure our sweet babies are loved on. The real boss of the animal house is Jams. She may be the youngest but don’t let that fool you. She’s the boss and the biggest animal lover of us all.

The unconditional love, the cuddles, the humor, the excitement, the fun as well as the therapeutic aspect in our animals is something we love having in our home.

Ever since we got our first giant schnoodle, Millie, we fell in love with the breed. The giant schnoodle is a crazy smart, intuitive, loving, and funny dog that wants to please. We get all of that with no shedding or allergies. We love giant schnoodles! We now have the joy of watching others fall in love as we have.